上映:2021更新时间:2023-12-15 21:30:34
剧情:Brought to Los Angeles for treatment, a recovering junkie soon learns that the rehab center is not about helping people, but a cover for a multi-billion-dollar fraud operation that enlists addicts to recruit other addicts.
上映:1955更新时间:2023-12-15 21:30:30
剧情:丹斯雷(柯克•道格拉斯Kirk Douglas 饰)是一名流浪的牛仔,一次偶然之中,他结识了名为杰夫(威廉•坎贝尔William Campbell 饰)的男子,两人之间结下了深厚的友谊。在老相好艾多妮(克莱尔•特雷弗Claire Trevor 饰)的介绍之下,丹斯雷和杰夫来到了工头司翠普(杰伊•C•弗利朋Jay C. Flippen 饰)手下干活。
上映:1959更新时间:2023-12-15 21:30:26
剧情:乔(劳伦斯·哈维 Laurence Harvey 饰)出身卑微,为此,他一直感到十分自卑。可是,这样的乔却偏偏爱上了大企业家的女儿苏珊(海瑟·西尔斯 Heather Sears 饰),身份的巨大悬殊令这段感情注定得不到祝福。为了阻止这段感情,苏珊的父亲为苏珊安排了同她门当户对的结婚对象,乔为此感到万分屈辱。 美艳的女演员爱丽丝(西蒙·西涅莱 Simone Signoret 饰)出现在了乔的身边,两人的关系逐渐亲密,可这任然无法填补乔内心的空虚。乔深知身份和地位的重要,为此,他重新回到了苏珊的身边,希望能够借此挤入上流社会,最终,苏珊的父亲拗不过女儿的执着,答应了这门婚事。惨遭抛弃的爱丽丝失去了全部的希望,与一场意外中不幸身亡。
上映:2005更新时间:2023-12-15 21:30:26
剧情:Beautifully woven, complex and subtle, this film captures an essence of NYC after 9/11. A great script, some stunning photography, an excellent score that helps tie it all together, and a great ensemble cast make this small film seem quite large. The emotions that bubble under the surface, only sometimes breaking through, give this film its strength and its power. Different sto... (展开全部) Beautifully woven, complex and subtle, this film captures an essence of NYC after 9/11. A great script, some stunning photography, an excellent score that helps tie it all together, and a great ensemble cast make this small film seem quite large. The emotions that bubble under the surface, only sometimes breaking through, give this film its strength and its power. Different stories of different people all struggling with day to day life sharing the common experience of being New Yorkers post 9/11. The references to what happened are almost all unspoken, evoked through the images displayed or the background sounds, yet there is no doubt that what happened is a force in the lives of all of these people. Intelligent film-making at its best.
上映:2022更新时间:2023-12-15 21:30:19
剧情:Follows an investigation into an unsolved murder unveiling a story full of forbidden love, deceit and a secret.
上映:1997更新时间:2023-12-15 21:28:24
剧情:哈里(伍迪·艾伦 Woody Allen 饰)是一个才华横溢的著名作家,由于他神经兮兮、过于疯狂,他一直过着支离破碎、混乱无序的生活。他把身边的人和周围发生的事都写进自己的小说里,把自己和多名女性的感情生活也写成小说出版,由此哈里伤害和得罪了身边很多人。哈里的真实生活与小说中的虚构情节不断交织,同时哈里发现自己的灵感开始枯竭。在哈里的生活过得一团糟的时候,他被母校邀请回校接受名誉学位,但他找不到一个可以陪他一起去的伴儿。他只好找了个妓女陪同,第二天朋友理查德也来陪他,路上他还从前妻手中拐来自己的儿子一同前去。四人在途中又遇到了什么,到达目的地之后又有什么状况?