上映:2014更新时间:2023-12-15 21:40:04
剧情:Set in both the late 80's and current day, "Back in the Day" is a gritty tale about Anthony Rodriguez (William DeMeo), a half Italian - half Puerto Rican young teenager growing up on the streets of Bensonhurst, Brooklyn; a then very dangerous and racist neighborhood filled with bullies, big shots and social clubs where all of the neighborhood shots were called. Anthony had to endure an abusive, unemployed, alcoholic father but was blessed with a nurturing, hard-working mother who he loses at a very early age and is devastated by it. In spite of his bitterness, he struggles to uphold the morals his Mother taught him and retain his dignity in spite of being up against all odds. He is taken under the wing of a local mob boss, Enzo DeVino (Michael Madsen), who supports Anthony's wishes to escape his demons through the sport of boxing. Enzo connects Anthony with a trainer (Danny Glover), who means business, and turns Anthony into a contender although his troubled life and friends, who seem to always get him into trouble, hinder his career. As he journeys into adulthood with the nearly impossible goal of achieving a successful professional boxing career, Anthony manages to not only go pro, but literally fight his way to the top and become a world champion middleweight boxer at an unlikely age. But not without love, loss of love, humiliation, retaliation and revenge playing roles in his journey to the top. But when he finally does make it to the top, who will be left of anyone Anthony has ever cared about, to share it with? And who will be left to get in the way of Anthony's success, and living his dream?
上映:2014更新时间:2023-12-15 21:39:56
剧情: 丹尼斯(安德鲁·加菲尔德 Andrew Garfield 饰)独自一人抚养着儿子康纳(诺亚·洛马克斯 Noah Lomax 饰),父子两人和丹尼斯的母亲林恩(劳拉·邓恩 Laura Dern 饰)住在一起,日子过得虽然拮据但是平静。 金融危机爆发后,丹尼斯的人生彻底的跌入了低谷。面对着他再怎样努力都无法负担的房贷,无奈的丹尼斯只得申请破产,一家人被赶出了他们的家
上映:2014更新时间:2023-12-15 21:39:52
剧情:A Jewel thief named Frank Stone is a very deeply disturbed, anti social, milquetoast who finds no joy or humor in anything - until he awakens from a deep coma.
上映:2014更新时间:2023-12-15 21:38:56
剧情:Baseball player Micah Matthias and his young son Bobby are fleeing a brutal media following the traumatic and unsolved murder of their wife and mother. They end up in the quaint Amish community of Sugarcreek, Ohio under a set of aliases and with a broken-down old truck. Three Amish sisters running an old farmhouse inn take them under their wings and employ Micah as a handyman. ...
上映:2014更新时间:2023-12-15 21:38:30
剧情: From living a normal life to surviving homelessness in the city of Miami, Peter is a victim of the turbulent US recession during late 2000's. A drama based on true events. A heartbreaking chronicle witnessing a drastic character transformation when he is exposed to the harsh cruelties the streets reveal.
上映:2014更新时间:2023-12-15 21:38:19
剧情: Charlie, a young boy from China travels all the way from Shanghai to find his fathers restaurant in Hollywood is in trouble. He must convince 3 people to believe in the Spirit of Christmas in order to save his family's dream. This Multi-Award Winning, F
上映:2014更新时间:2023-12-15 21:37:03
剧情:赞佩里尼(杰克·奥康奈尔 Jack O'Connell 饰)是一位长跑运动员,他热爱这项运动,并且有幸参加了1936年的柏林奥运会。1939年,第二次世界大战爆发,踌躇满志的赞佩里尼加入军队,为祖国报效,他成为了一名空军投弹手。 一次任务中,一场意外让赞佩里尼所驾驶的战斗机于海上坠毁,他和战友们在一艘小小的救生筏上度过了艰苦而又漫长的47天,然而,当他们获救之时,噩梦才刚刚开始。赞佩里尼成为了敌对国日本的俘虏,并且在集中营里结识了名叫渡边睦弘(石原贵雅 饰)的军官,在这里,赞佩里尼遭受到了非人的折磨和拷打,尽管幸存,但这一段经历在他的心灵上留下了不可磨灭的伤痕。战争结束了,可赞佩里尼的噩梦并没有终结。
上映:2014更新时间:2023-12-15 21:34:15
剧情:路易斯(杰克·吉伦哈尔 Jake Gyllenhaal 饰)是个无所事事的小混混,整日干的尽是一些偷鸡摸狗的勾当。一次偶然中,他目睹了摄影记者工作的场面,从中觅得商机的他决定自己干上一票。 路易斯购置了摄像装备,通过窃听警方无线电的方式抢先一步到达犯罪现场进行拍摄,再将摄像资料卖给晨间新闻制片人妮娜(蕾妮·罗素 Rene Russo 饰)换取酬劳。在尝到了几次甜头之后,路易斯招募了里克(里兹·阿迈德 Riz Ahmed 饰)作为搭档,准备“扩张”自己的事业。渐渐的,普通的车祸或火灾现场已经无法满足路易斯和妮娜的胃口,他们需要的是更血腥、更劲爆、更吸引眼球的新闻场面,为了得到珍贵的一手资料,路易斯甚至不惜“亲自动手”。
上映:2014更新时间:2023-12-15 21:33:34
剧情:In 1943, revolutionary inventor Nikola Tesla died penniless in the New Yorker Hotel. Within 24 hours the U.S. government seized everything in his room. But one design was already missing. Seventy years later in Buffalo, NY, a brilliant young engineer has found it. And the only person she can trust is a low-rent detective with a pack-a-day habit.