上映:2017更新时间:2023-12-15 22:00:26
剧情:故事发生在盛唐时期的长安城,白乐天(黄轩 饰)本是朝廷要官,却为了收集写诗的素材而甘愿被贬为起居郎。长安城内连连发生离奇的死亡事件,就连当今圣上也难逃厄运离奇身亡,这一切都和一只神出鬼没的妖猫有关。日本僧人空海(染谷将太 饰)本为了替皇帝解咒远渡重洋而来,却和白乐天意气相投,两人决心携手调查案件真相。 一首如怨如诉的《清平调》表明,妖猫作祟和三十年前倾国倾城的杨贵妃(张榕容 饰)之死有着千丝万缕的关联,追寻着曾经迷恋杨贵妃的阿部仲麻吕(阿部宽 饰)所留下的日记,白乐天和空海一同见证了大唐曾经的荣光,亦揭开了当年隐瞒至今的阴谋。
上映:2017更新时间:2023-12-15 21:49:09
上映:2017更新时间:2023-12-15 22:05:16
剧情:In the early 1920s, Georges Laffont (Romain Duris), traumatised by the horrific trench warfar, decides to leave his life behind and travel to West Africa into the vast territories of Upper Volta in the company of Diofo, artist and also survivor of the Great War. From village to village, Georges uses Diofo's talents as a griot to recruit the villagers as labour for plantations in Ghana. But his adventure leads him to a dead-end, and he comes back to Paris where is brother Marcel (Grégory Gadebois), a war invalid, lives with their mother's. After the war in Europe, life went out without him. Georges will desperately try to find his place, with the help of Hélène (Céline Salette), a sign language teacher with whom he will have a tumultuous relationship, and his family, that he selfishly left behind. He will finally attempt to heal their wounds, and his.
上映:2017更新时间:2023-12-15 21:49:21
剧情:Behind the scenes on fashion photographer Peter Lindbergh's shoot for the February 2016 W Magazine's annual "Best Performances" portfolio, featuring appearances from some of the leading actors and actresses presented in the portfolio.